Archive for  August 2015

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8 Posts

I’ve been using the jQuery plug-in “toastr” for quite some time as a basic growl/notification system. As a basic service, it’s dead simple to wire up. If you don’t know what this plug-in does, check out the demo of it.

But, I found that I needed more interactivity than basic hide/show messaging scenarios. I needed to be able to render full templates inside of the toast messages to allow for interactivity bound to DOM events.

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Entity Framework uses the Unit of Work pattern. It’s useful, but it doesn’t quite cover all of the bases.

In using a repository pattern, I rely on EF to simply deal with UOW and have not had occasion to go beyond UOW. However, on a recent project, I found that I needed to manage my own transactions.

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Ok, I couldn’t think of a good title for this post. But, I found this concept to be pretty interesting.

Basically, I wanted a directive that would allow me to watch AND set a property as if it were a state changing bool. This needs a bit more explaining, I’m sure.

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In case you hadn’t noticed, I use JsFiddle for most of JavaScript demos and to embed samples into my blog. I like JsFiddle, but it does have a few annoyances.

As a result, I started looking at some alternates.

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Over the weekend, I started moving various source files over to github. Typically, I just use Notepad2 for basic editing and such.

However, after all the good things I read, and have seen, about Visual Studio Code, I finally decided to give it a try as a basic editor.

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To make some of the demos I’ve been posting lately, especially Angular and JavaScript demos, easier to download/use, I’ve made a Github repo to house the source and demo code.

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Being a web developer, I’ve had my fair share of problematic IE behavior. Microsoft’s browsers up to, and including, IE11 are not very good in terms of standards compliance. This is pretty well known with web developers.

Well, after my post yesterday regarding CSS flexbox, I found that IE10/11 exhibit some odd discrepancies.

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Currently, I’m working on a web project that has searchable tables. The layout requires that the search results that is displayed in the table is scrollable. The idea behind this is such that controls to perform search, paging, and other functions on the table are always in view. There are buttons above and below the table.

If you recall my previous post about CSS flex-box, you saw how you can cause elements to grow/shrink as the browser viewport changes. This seemed like an appropriate technique to achieve what is essentially a vertical fluid-layout.

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