Archive for  October 2016

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8 Posts

Dates are pretty easy to manage with pure JavaScript. The other day though, I discovered a bug in a bit of date manipulating code.

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A couple of weeks ago, I wrote about deploying multiple applications to Azure virtual directories from a single Git repository to Azure. That method works well. However, it by default only supports building and deploying a single .NET project. This was fine in my previously example in which only one of the deployment projects I had was .NET based. Using a custom KUDU script, it’s possible to deploy multiple .NET applications to the virtual directories from a single git repository.

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Ninject is one of the better dependency injection frameworks, IMHO. However, within the context of .NET Threads and thread pooling, scoping of objects doesn’t work quite as expected.

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Angular provides some handy mechanisms for dealing with browser history. With these mechanisms it’s straight-forward to handle URL changes through direct user interaction or the browser back/forward buttons.

Typically, when entering an Angular app, you’ll have an abstract route defined and then use the $urlRouterProvider to define a default route. Well, when I say “you,” I should qualify that to say that this is how I typically define states with ui-router.

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I’ve made quite a few posts detailing the use of ui-router. These posts include general menus, tabs, and other “knowledge” of state mechanisms. The one thing missing though is maintaining state, or route, data.

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Continuing our examination of building LINQ expressions, let’s dive further into generic methods that can build expressions for any enumerable list of objects. In part one, I showed how to build a simple string expression, but we can make this much more robust.

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A while back, I needed a simple way to create a table with parent/child details in Angular. ng-repeat has some handy little known features to make creating this type of table easy.

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Earlier today a colleague asked me how one would go about grouping data within an ng-repeat. I had never actually had to do this before, which made it an interesting problem to solve.

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