Archive for  February 2016

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4 Posts

Entity Framework has a nice feature that allows for child navigation properties/collections to be automatically loaded. Essentially, this translates into SQL table joins.

I know this is old news, but I wanted to share a brief experience while updating my own base repositories.

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Dependency injection is very useful for decoupling classes from specific implementations. Typically, I use constructor injection with Ninject as my IoC (inversion of control) container. However, I’ve always had to specify interface -> type bindings one by one. It’s very clunky.

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With a new project we have, I was tasked with working on security. Initially, I used OWIN and cookie authentication to implement a simple login and all was good. However, we wanted to remove the ability to login and have it driven by an external site redirecting a user with a token.

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A friend of mine asked me earlier today what a good pattern for accessing an Api from within a class library would look like. In .NET, I generally like to wrap this type of functionality within a service that can be injected.

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