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While I was working through my post regarding generically formatting Angular data within a component, another generic implementation that I needed arose. I needed a way to, in a very generic fashion, raise events from a child component to its parent. Within the context of an Angular table, this could typically coincide with a click event that needs to take action, or apply some logic, to the child’s bound data. Event Emitters in Angular readily facilitate this type of functionality.

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Since I’m using a lot of Angular Bootsrap components in my Angular apps, now seemed like a good time to revisit the classic Datepicker. The Angular Bootstrap Datepicker is relatively easy to get up and going, but I did run into a few quirks.

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A while back, I blogged about an Angular Table component that I wrote. Since that time, this component has expanded a fair bit as my application needs grow. Once such feature that I needed recently was the ability to format data dynamically.

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The other day, I was playing around with providing users the ability to easily copy data. This was needed in order to transfer that data to another application. Since this was for an AngularJS application, a reusable directive seemed like a good idea.

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While Anuglar 4.x is all the rage, I continue to also work in Angular 1.x (AngularJS) projects. Earlier this week, a colleague of mine wanted to use an input mask that doesn’t affect an underlying ng-model value. We already had a directive using jquery.input-mask, but that modifies the model value. Formatters and parsers are suited well for this task of separating the view value and model value.

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A fellow developer asked me how filter Pipes could be used for filtering based on checkboxes. Using the existing code samples I’ve created, I endeavored to put together a little demo of how this can be achieved.

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In one of my previous posts, I touched on how to build a filtered list using Angular pipes. As I’m adding more features to the table component that I’m working, I spent a little time modifying the pipe to be able to performing combinatory filtering.

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