Category Archives: Entity Framework

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In a previous post, I demoed how to use Table Valued Parameters (TVP’s) with EF. This works great, but, if you’ll notice, it only suppports one-column TVP’s with a simple scalar list of values. I expanded this a bit.

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There are a few limitations of Entity Framework 6.x that require various work-arounds. One of those limitations is not being able to take direct advantage of entity mappings that are defined. However, it is possible to utilize Entity Framework’s API’s to retrieve and consume this information.

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Using LINQ’s FluentAPI, left/outer joins are difficult. With a little work, it’s possible to perform left outer joins, though.

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There are a few scenarios, especially when using partitioning/windowing T-SQL functions, that EF falls down a bit. It also is not entirely straight forward to perform somewhat complex joins and aggregation.

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EntityFramework 7 is the defacto ORM used with .NET Core to provide cross-platform compatible data access. EF7 is missing many features that are present in EF6, though. My initial apprehension was that this would create a scenario where one could not use .NET Core if their projects relied on EF6 features. Fortunately, it’s pretty easy to get EF6 working with .NET Core. The sacrifice is a loss of cross-platform hosting ability.

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Since my foray into utilizing .NET Core to port an older CRUD app using Angular 1.x and Entity Framework 6.x, my first stumbling block is dealing with breaking changes between EF 6.x and newer versions of EF.

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My current single-sign server, that utilizes OWIN, does not store information regarding users’ identity. On the back-end, it makes LDAP queries to Active Directory to authenticate users and then makes additional LDAP queries to determine roles and authorization.

Since I’ve been playing with Azure lately, I wanted to re-tool this solution to allow toggling between a data-store for user identity information and Active Directory.

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I’ve written a number of posts detailing running and working with stored procedures in Entity Framework 6.x. Yesterday, I ran into a weird issue.

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Over the weekend, I needed to be able to execute a stored procedure from EntityFramework that had a table value parameter (TVP) as an input.

I had never worked with TVP’s before. Utilizing them was not obvious to me from either a code-based approach or even directly with T-SQL. Here’s how I accomplished it, though.

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Earlier today, I needed to be able to retrieve progress indicators from a long-running stored procedure. The procedure itself executed many different queries, so the idea of sending messages to the client between those queries seemed like a good place to start.

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