Category Archives: Testing

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Earlier today, after a system outage, I was sent a W3C IIS Log to take a look at.

After staring at this log for a few minutes in Notepad2, my eyes started to glaze over. Basically, staring at system or IIS logs with a text editor is useless if there are tons of events or requests.

I knew there are plenty of parsing tools out there for log analysis, and I had used some before. Unfortunately, I had none of these tools installed on my laptop. Googling quick lead me to a Microsoft tool called ‘LogParser’ that I had never heard of before.

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I’ve been watching the #build2015 conference online for the past couple of days. Microsoft has some nice, compelling product announcements.

One that caught my attention was Application Insights. So, I decided to give it a shot with an existing MVC + WebApi web application.

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One of my biggest areas of struggle is in writing unit tests.

I enjoy all of the mocking frameworks, like Moq and Automoq, but I find that after mocking up so many interfaces, I question whether the unit tests have value.

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